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Welcome to Gig Harbor Weather - Annual Departure from Average

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Rain Trending for Gig Harbor, Washington

Note: Trends are based on data recorded at Gig Harbor Weather since 2009.

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Annual Rainfall Trend
Month Average since 2009 Current Month Difference
January 6.82 in 9.94 in (2025) 3.12 in3.12 in more than All-Time Average Rainfall.
February 2.33 in 0.00 in (2025) -2.33 in2.33 in less than All-Time Average Rainfall.
March 2.87 in 0.00 in (2025) -2.87 in2.87 in Colder than All-Time Average Temperature.
April 3.93 in 1.69 in (2024) -2.24 in2.24 in less than All-Time Average Rainfall.
May 0.52 in 0.47 in (2024) -0.05 in0.05 in less than All-Time Average Rainfall.
June 1.19 in 0.00 in (2024) -1.19 in1.19 in less than All-Time Average Rainfall.
July 0.13 in 0.00 in (2024) -0.13 in0.13 in less than All-Time Average Rainfall.
August 0.10 in 0.00 in (2024) -0.10 in0.1 in less than All-Time Average Rainfall.
September 0.73 in 0.00 in (2024) -0.73 in0.73 in less than All-Time Average Rainfall.
October 2.78 in 2.50 in (2024) -0.28 in0.28 in less than All-Time Average Rainfall.
November 4.65 in 2.39 in (2024) -2.26 in2.26 in less than All-Time Average Rainfall.
December 5.66 in --- in (2024)
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home2/gigharb1/public_html/wxraintrending.php on line 384
-5.66 in5.66 in less than All-Time Average Rainfall.
12 Month Average Differentials
Average 12 Month Rainfall since 2009: 31.71 in
Rainfall for last 12 months: 16.99 in
Current 12 Month Rainfall difference: -14.72 in14.72 in less than All-Time Average Rainfall.
Year Rain Differentials
Average Year to Date Rain based on historical data since 2009:    12.19 in
Current Year to Date Rain (2025):    9.94 in
Current Year to Date Departure from Normal (2025):    -2.25 in 
Month Rain Differentials
Average Month to Date Rain based on historical data since 2009:    3.04 in
Current Month to Date Rain (March):    0.00 in
Current Month to Date Departure from Normal (March):    -3.04 in 
This data is reflective of 12 month trending at the Gig Harbor Weather Weather Station location. This is not official scientific data. The weather data presented here is based on data collected since 2009. Script courtesy of  Michael Holden from Relay Weather. Script calculations courtesy of Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.