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Northwest Weather Network

Mesomap of Northwest Weather Network Stations

 Temperature   Dew Point   Humidity   Wind from direction @ Speed/Gust   Rain today   Barometer & Trend   Current Conditions   Fire Danger based on 
 Chandler Burn Index 

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Cocolalla

32 °F DP 28 °F 86 % Wind from WNWWNW  2 G 3 mph 0.00 in 30.18 inRising Slowly Metar KCOE: light Snow light Snow  Low  Fernwood

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Garden Valley

31 °F DP 27 °F 85 % Wind from WNWWNW  6 G 7 mph 0.00 in 30.28 inRising Slowly Metar KLWS: Clear Clear  Low  Reubens

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Bloomfield

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Baker City

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Canby

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Gleneden Beach

34 °F DP 31 °F 88 % Wind from WSWWSW  0 mph 0.00 in 30.40 inSteady Metar KMFR: Overcast Overcast  Low  Grants Pass

27 °F DP 21 °F 80 % Wind from NWNW  4 G 4 mph 0.00 in 30.05 inRising Slowly Windy Windy  Low  Joseph

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Medford

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline St. Helens

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Anacortes

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Auburn

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Battle Ground

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Blaine

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Brier

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Camas

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Freeland

34 °F DP 27 °F 77 % Wind from NN  0 mph 0.00 in 30.26 inRising Slowly Metar KPWT: Overcast Overcast  Low  Gig Harbor

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Granite Falls

35 °F DP 34 °F 95 % Wind from SESE  1 G 7 mph 0.00 in 30.22 inSteady Metar KPAE: Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy  Low  Hansville

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Humptulips

36 °F DP 34 °F 93 % Wind from NN  0 mph 0.01 in 30.25 inSteady Metar KPAE: Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy  Low  Indianola

38 °F DP 36 °F 93 % Wind from SSESSE  1 G 1 mph 0.00 in 30.34 inRising Slowly Metar KKLS: Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy  Low  Kalama

32 °F DP 31 °F 96 % Wind from NNWNNW  0 mph 0.00 in 30.28 inRising Slowly Sunny Sunny  Low  Kirkland

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Lakewood

42 °F DP 36 °F 80 % Wind from NN  0 mph 0.00 in 30.24 inSteady Overcast Overcast  Low  Long Beach

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Long Beach-2

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Napavine

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline North Bend

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline North Bend-2

33 °F DP 32 °F 94 % Wind from WNWWNW  1 G 3 mph 0.05 in 30.26 inRising Slowly Sunny Sunny  Low  North Bend-3

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Otis Orchards

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Puyallup

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Renton

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Tacoma

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Tenino

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Woodinville

Conditions data shown was collected
from Tue, 18-Mar-2025 07:38:11 PDT to Tue, 18-Mar-2025 07:41:11 PDT

The Northwest Weather Network is an affiliation of personal weather websites located in the Northwest USA (ID, MT, OR, WA). Gig Harbor Weather is proud to be a member of this network. Please take a moment to visit other stations on the network by clicking on the map above or clicking on the links below. Stations are displaying current conditions, temperature, dew point, humidity, wind speed/gust speed, today's rain, barometer/trend, and time of last update where available.

Current member stations of the Northwest Weather Network

as of Sat, 20-Apr-2013 21:02:31 PDT

  1. Idaho
    1. Cocolalla [ Weather, WebCam ]
    2. Fernwood [ Weather ]
    3. Garden Valley [ Weather, WebCam ]
    4. Reubens [ Weather, WebCam ]
  2. Montana
    1. Bloomfield [ Weather ]
  3. Oregon
    1. Baker City [ Weather, WebCam ]
    2. Canby [ Weather, WebCam ]
    3. Gleneden Beach [ Weather, WebCam ]
    4. Grants Pass [ Weather, WebCam ]
    5. Joseph [ Weather, WebCam ]
    6. Medford [ Weather, WebCam ]
    7. St. Helens [ Weather, Lightning ]
  4. Washington
    1. Anacortes [ Weather ]
    2. Auburn [ Weather ]
    3. Battle Ground [ Weather ]
    4. Blaine [ Weather, WebCam ]
    5. Brier [ Weather, WebCam ]
    6. Camas [ Weather ]
    7. Freeland [ Weather ]
    8. Gig Harbor [ Weather, WebCam ]
    9. Granite Falls [ Weather, Lightning ]
    10. Hansville [ Weather, WebCam ]
    11. Humptulips [ Weather ]
    12. Indianola [ Weather ]
    13. Kalama [ Weather ]
    14. Kirkland [ Weather ]
    15. Lakewood [ Weather ]
    16. Long Beach [ Weather, WebCam ]
    17. Long Beach-2 [ Weather ]
    18. Napavine [ Weather ]
    19. North Bend [ Weather, WebCam ]
    20. North Bend-2 [ Weather ]
    21. North Bend-3 [ Weather, Lightning, WebCam ]
    22. Otis Orchards [ Weather, Lightning, WebCam ]
    23. Puyallup [ Weather, WebCam ]
    24. Renton [ Weather ]
    25. Tacoma [ Weather, WebCam ]
    26. Tenino [ Weather, Lightning ]
    27. Woodinville [ Weather, WebCam ]
Cocolalla - no current conditions report Fernwood: 32°F, DP 28°F, 86%, WNW 2 G 3 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.18in Rising Slowly, Metar KCOE: light Snow Garden Valley - no current conditions report Reubens: 31°F, DP 27°F, 85%, WNW 6 G 7 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.28in Rising Slowly, Metar KLWS: Clear Bloomfield - no current conditions report Baker City - no current conditions report Canby - no current conditions report Gleneden Beach - no current conditions report Grants Pass: 34°F, DP 31°F, 88%, WSW 0 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.40in Steady, Metar KMFR: Overcast Joseph: 27°F, DP 21°F, 80%, NW 4 G 4 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.05in Rising Slowly, Windy Medford - no current conditions report St. Helens - no current conditions report Anacortes - no current conditions report Auburn - no current conditions report Battle Ground - no current conditions report Blaine - no current conditions report Brier - no current conditions report Camas - no current conditions report Freeland - no current conditions report Gig Harbor: 34°F, DP 27°F, 77%, N 0 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.26in Rising Slowly, Metar KPWT: Overcast Granite Falls - no current conditions report Hansville: 35°F, DP 34°F, 95%, SE 1 G 7 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.22in Steady, Metar KPAE: Partly Cloudy Humptulips - no current conditions report Indianola: 36°F, DP 34°F, 93%, N 0 mph, Rain: 0.01in, Baro: 30.25in Steady, Metar KPAE: Partly Cloudy Kalama: 38°F, DP 36°F, 93%, SSE 1 G 1 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.34in Rising Slowly, Metar KKLS: Mostly Cloudy Kirkland: 32°F, DP 31°F, 96%, NNW 0 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.28in Rising Slowly, Sunny Lakewood - no current conditions report Long Beach: 42°F, DP 36°F, 80%, N 0 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.24in Steady, Overcast Long Beach-2 - no current conditions report Napavine - no current conditions report North Bend - no current conditions report North Bend-2 - no current conditions report North Bend-3: 33°F, DP 32°F, 94%, WNW 1 G 3 mph, Rain: 0.05in, Baro: 30.26in Rising Slowly, Sunny Otis Orchards - no current conditions report Puyallup - no current conditions report Renton - no current conditions report Tacoma - no current conditions report Tenino - no current conditions report Woodinville - no current conditions report

Note: Click on table column heading below to sort table by that column's vaues.


Dew Pt.
Wind Avg
Idaho Fernwood Metar KCOE: light Snow 32 28 86 WNW Wind from WNW 2 3 0.00
30.18Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 07:40:59
Idaho Reubens Metar KLWS: Clear 31 27 85 WNW Wind from WNW 6 7 0.00
30.28Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 07:40:54
Oregon Grants Pass Metar KMFR: Overcast 34 31 88 WSW Wind from WSW 0 0 0.00
Steady 07:41:04
Oregon Joseph Windy 27 21 80 NW Wind from NW 4 4 0.00
30.05Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 07:38:11
Washington Gig Harbor Metar KPWT: Overcast 34 27 77 Wind from N 0 0 0.00
30.26Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 07:40:37
Washington Hansville Metar KPAE: Partly Cloudy 35 34 95 SE Wind from SE 1 7 0.00
Steady 07:40:09
Washington Indianola Metar KPAE: Partly Cloudy 36 34 93 Wind from N 0 0 0.01
Steady 07:41:03
Washington Kalama Metar KKLS: Mostly Cloudy 38 36 93 SSE Wind from SSE 1 1 0.00
30.34Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 07:41:01
Washington Kirkland Sunny 32 31 96 NNW Wind from NNW 0 0 0.00
30.28Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 07:41:06
Washington Long Beach Overcast 42 36 80 Wind from N 0 0 0.00
Steady 07:41:06
Washington North Bend-3 Sunny 33 32 94 WNW Wind from WNW 1 3 0.05
30.26Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 07:41:09